Early 1880s. Sudanese of a follower of the Mad Mahdi whose forces fought the British with suicidal fervor and results. 59" length and proportions strikingly like the Roman pilum. About half length wood haft with heavy iron pare wrap to each end. The middle with a band of Nile crocodile hide which was sacred to the followers of the Mahdi. Well forged leaf shaped blade with medial ridge and slightly concave faces on long cylindrical bolster. Excellent for the period and very superior form. Initially revolting against Turkish/Egyptian rule, the Mahdi raised the conflict to a jihad. England seized the opportunity presented by the failing Egyptian government, crushed by Suez Canal debt which produced no tangible result. It is documented Osama Bin Laden modeled himself after the Mahdi. This spear is the only example of its type we have encountered and of the very few which mount the signature crocodile hide.