Second half of the 18th century. Military-style based on traditional karabella. The 36” curved blade is from a captured Ottoman shamshir and of watered steel, now polished for its use here, but the pattern clearly evident. It has been marked with an arsenal stamp, at the time of the construction of this sword. The brass hilt has largely reversed langets and a cocked pommel, both typical Polish features. The grip is wire wrapped leather. Polish hussars evolved from Serbian mercenaries and owned their own weapons. This example is almost surely built on a blade captured in battle by its owner. The greatest cavalry charge in history took place in 1683 at the Battle of Vienna when the Polish cavalry under King John Sobieski, routed the Ottoman Turks who had besieged the City. Poland, Hungary, and Austria formed the frontier with the Turks which was the setting for battles large and small for centuries.